Friday, December 17, 2010

                                                          (picture i painted a while back)

sorry i havent posted in a long time :( i guess ive just been busy and stuff. also for a while i started eating alot of junk food, like sweets and shit, and i felt horrible cause i used to eat really healthy.  So ive recently started a no-sugar diet.  im not eating any sugar for a week, to kill the sugar addiction, and after that the only sugar i can have will be fruits and honey.  like im not even eating fruit for a week and also no refined carbs, not that i eat alot of refined carbs andyways its mostly just whole grains for me.  mostly what ive been eating is veggies, hummus and tea.  i had a tiny bit of natural peanut butter today with a few baby carrot sticks, and when i say a tiny bit i mean like half a teaspoon haha. hmm what to say what to say..oh yeah and i started being a vegan again, ive been a vegetarian for like 2 years, and a few months back i became a vegan for a month but it didnt last but ive just started again.  its exciting, haha ima freak.


  1. good luck with kicking sugar that can be tough at times, and youre a great artist!

    ps thanks for following:)

  2. Hey, thank you for following :-) You are my first follower. I don't advertise my blog very much. I love the photo here. I've been a vegetarian for nearly 5 years and at this point I'm more vegan than not. Kudos to you!
