Friday, October 15, 2010

why me?

ok so i think my sisters father in law pretty much admitted to liking me through a private message on fb a few days ago. fuck my life. i want to puke. why me? because i have a shitty life and shitty things seems to always come my way. hes such a freak, but i cant be sure if thats what he really meant, but it sure sounded like it. btw hes like 30 years older than me. i showed the message to my my mom and she cant figure out what he really means either.  atleast i never see him. eww i hope i never see him again.  anyways i just wanted to let it out on here.  well whatever im going to stop thinking about it now and go on to another subject of why the hell have I been eating so much lately?! its like the more i think about calories and weight and fasting, etc, it seems the more i eat. I absolutely hate it. And not only eating, but eating lots of junky food too.  Like I used to be really conscience of what I ate, I never ate processed foods and sugary foods, etc.  But lately it seems they've been creeping into my diet and I feel like shit.  It's like all self-control has left me and I feel so empty all the time, so I just want to eat. But the awful full feeling you get after a binge is not worth it. At all. And then the purging. Its a never-ending cycle.  I really want to try to start eating healthy again, like NO sugars and processed foods.  And NO over-eating. Well I have to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need a hayride ;) hope you feel better soon!
