Sunday, February 6, 2011

i crave cigarettes not food.

ahhhh im craving a cigarette like a mother fuckerrrr.  but as mentioned before im now living at my moms and im not aloud to smoke:(  and i cant do it behind her back, because ive tried that and it makes me feel like shit and wicked guilty so yeah..then i end up wanting to cut and anyways...i just really want one.  man this blows. on the bright side (if there is one) ive lost some more weight.  not alot cause i ended up eating too much yesturday, a.k.a binged, not a bad one though. I worked out afterwards though to burn some off. so yeah i prob ended up having like 1500 cals yesturday, i think. The day before i only had 250 though, so thats good. so i lost 2 lbs over the past two days.  im now 113. >_<  blech it seems so high, but whatevs just want to stay positive and keep in mind that it WILL go down.  just gotta be patient.  Anywhoo i dont have anything to add, so yeah.  hope all is well with you all <3

1 comment:

  1. sorry that ur craving a cig i crave one from time to time as well and i quit awhile ago
    yay for the loss
